H. Song, M. Fogg, M. Tehrani, C. Seepersad, “Investigating the Effects of Processing Parameters in Reactive Extrusion Additive Manufacturing” Additive Manufacturing, 101, 104716 (2025).
J. G. Kirchhoff, N. T. Heathman, T. Yap, P. Koirala, T. Hudson, and M. Tehrani, “Interlaminar Bonding in Thermoplastic Composites: A Comparative Analysis of Laser AFP and Post-Processing” Composites Part B: Engineering, 112156 (2025).
P. Narongdej, N. Alterman, M. Vazquez, M. Tehrani, E. Barjasteh, “Vat Photopolymerization (VP) of Solvent-Free Carbon Nanoparticle-Acrylic Nanocomposites” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 108628 (2024).
T. Yap, N. Heathman, B. Shirani Bidabari, E. Motta de Castro, A. Tamijani, A. Asadi, M. Tehrani, “In-Plane Properties of an In-Situ Consolidated Automated Fiber Placement Thermoplastic Composite” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 108525 (2024).
B. Shirani Bidabadi, E. Motta de Castro, M. Carrola, P. Koirala, M. Tehrani, A. Asadi, “Engineering the Crystalline Architecture for Enhanced Properties in Fast-Rate Processing of Poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) Nanocomposites” ACS Applied Engineering Materials, 2(8), 2038-2054 (2024).
J. Kirchhoff, O. Ghattas, M. Tehrani, “Resin Percolation and Intimate Contact in Fast Processing of Thermoplastic Composites” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 182, 108145 (2024).
T. Yap, Z. He, Z. Wang, A. Tamijani, M. Tehrani, “Experimental Investigation and Validation of Strength-Based Topology and Fiber Path Optimization in Additively Manufactured Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composites” Additive Manufacturing, 89, 104274 (2024).
P. Koirala, R. Pavlovic, A. Aber, M. J. Fogg, C. Mensch, C. C. Seepersad, M. Tehrani, “Reactive Extrusion Additive Manufacturing of a Short Carbon Fiber Thermosetting Composite via Active Mixing” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 178, 107989 (2024).
G. C. Jayatilaka, A. Aber, M. Mohammadi, V. Morovati, M. Tehrani, “Exceptional Viscoelastic Properties in Graphene Oxide Films” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16(9), 11778-11786 (2024).
C. Zhang, Z. Xiao, R. Paddock, M. Cullinan, M. Tehrani, Y. Liu., “Effects of Graphene Doping on the Electrical Conductivity of Copper” Advanced Functional Materials, 2407569 (2024).
T. Yap, N. Heathman, T. Phillips, J. Beaman, M. Tehrani, “Additive Manufacturing of Polyaryletherketone (PAEK) polymers and their composites” Composites Part B: Engineering, 266, 111019 (2023).
G. Zhang, J. Ghorbani, X. Zheng, N. Heathman, D. Pan, Q. Wang, K. Zhao, M. Tehrani, L. Xu, "Anisotropic and Elastoplastic ModeI Fracture Toughnesses of Three Additively Manufactured Polymers Fabricated via Material Extrusion and Powder Bed Fusion" Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (2023).
N. Heathman, P. Koirala, T. Yap, A. Emami, M. Tehrani - Composites Part B: Engineering, "In Situ Consolidation of Carbon Fiber PAEK via Laser-Assisted Automated Fiber Placement", Composites Part B: Engineering, 249, 110405 (2023).
M. Mohammadi, S. Choi, P. Koirala, G. C. Jayatikala, N. Ghousifam, H. Celio, M. Tehrani, “Additive Manufacturing of Recyclable, Conductive, and Structurally Robust Graphite Structures.” Additive Manufacturing Letters, 3, 100061 (2022).
P. Khanbolouki, G. C. Jayatilaka, C. Wang, M. Tehrani, “High Conductivity and Stability Copper-Chloride Intercalated Carbonaceous Conductors,” Carbon Trends, 9, 100229 (2022).
Z. He, M. Tehrani, A.Y. Tamijani, “Strength-Based Concurrent Shape and Fiber Path Optimization of Continuous Fiber Composite,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 399,115414 (2022).
J. Ghorbani, P. Koirala, Y. Shen, M. Tehrani, "Eliminating voids and reducing mechanical anisotropy in fused filament fabrication parts by adjusting the filament extrusion rate" Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 80, 651-658 (2022).
P. Khanbolouki, M. Tehrani, “Modelling Ampacity in Advanced Electrical Conductors,” HT-21-1753, Journal of Heat Transfer, 8, 82901 (2022).
R. Riahipour, M. S. Nemati, M. Zadehmohamad, M. R. Abadyad, M. Tehrani, M. Baniassadi, “Mechanical Properties of an Epoxy-Based Coating Reinforced with Silica Aerogel and Ammonium Polyphosphate Additives,” Polymers and Polymer Composites, 30 (2022).
T. de Sousa Burgani, S. Alaie, M. Tehrani, “Modelling Flexural Failure of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites” Journal of Composites Science, 6 (2), 33 (2022).
M. Kashfi, M. Tehrani, “Effects of Void Content on Flexural Properties of Additively Manufactured Polymer Composites”, Composites Part C, 7,100173 (2021).
R. Fernandes, N. van de Werken, P. Koirala, T. Yap, A. Tamijani, M. Tehrani, “Experimental Investigation of Additively Manufactured Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composite Parts with Optimized Topology and Fiber Paths”, Additive Manufacturing, 44, 102056 (2021).
P. Koirala, N. van de Werken, H. Lu, R. H. Baughman, R. Ovalle-Robles, M. Tehrani, “Using Ultrathin Interlaminar Carbon Nanotube Sheets to Enhance the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites”, Composites Part B, 216, 108842 (2021).
O. Uitz, P. Koirala, M. Tehrani, C. Seepersad, “Low-Energy and Fast Additive Manufacturing of Isotropic Parts via Reactive Extrusion”, Additive Manufacturing, 44, 101919 (2021).
M. Tehrani, “Advanced Electrical Conductors: An Overview and Prospects of Metal Nanocomposite and Nanocarbon Based Conductors”, Physica Status Solidi (a), 2000704 (2021).
N. van de Werken, P. Koirala, D. Doyle, J. Ghorbani, M. Tehrani, “Investigating the Hot Isostatic Pressing of an Additively Manufactured Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced PEEK Composite”, Additive Manufacturing, 37, 101634 (2021).
P. Khanbolouki, M. Tehrani, “Purification, Structural Evolutions, and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Yarns Processed via Incandescent Annealing", Carbon, 168, 710-718 (2020).
N. van de Werken, H. Tekinalp, A.Williams, S. Ozcan, M.Tehrani, “Additively Manufactured Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites: State of the Art and Perspective”, Additive Manufacturing, 31, 100962 (2020).
P. Khanbolouki, N. van de Werken, T. G. Holesinger, S. K. Doorn, T. J. Haugan, M. Tehrani, “Toward Scalable Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotube Coated Conductors”, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2, 2, 483–490 (2020).
G. Holesinger, R. Depaula, P. Papin, J. Rowley, M. Schneider, P. Khanbolouki, M. Tehrani, “Carbon Nanotube Coated Conductors”, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 1, 9, 1797-1806 (2019).
N. van de Werken, M. S. Reese, M. R. Taha, M. Tehrani, “Investigating the Effects of Fiber Surface Treatment and Alignment on Mechanical Properties of Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites”, Composite Part A, 119, 38-47 (2019).
N. van de Werken, J. Hurley, P. Khanbolouki, A. N. Sarvestani, A. Y. Tamijani, M. Tehrani, “Design Considerations and Modeling of Fiber Reinforced 3D Printed Parts”, Composites Part B, 60: 684-692 (2019).
M. Mahdavi, M. Haghighi-Yazdi, M. Baniassadi, M. Tehrani, S. Ahzi, J. Jamali, “Analytical Solution of Governing Equations of Triple Coupled Physics of Structural Mechanics, Diffusion, and Heat Transfer”, 25(5), 2738-2757, Scientia Iranica (2018).
T. Etampawala, M. Tehrani, A. Nematollahi, L. He, M. Dadmun, “The Impact of Solvent Doping on the Morphology of PEDOT:dPSS: A USANS and SANS Study”, Organic Electronics 51, 86-93 (2017).
M. Tehrani, T. Etampawala, and M. Dadmun, M. Hossain, “Resolving Hierarchical Structures in Carbon Nanotube Networks Using Small and Ultra-Small Angle Neutron Scattering”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06114 (2017).
R. Riahipour, A. A. Sahraei, N. van de Werken, M. Tehrani, K. Abrinia, M. Baniassadi “The Synergistic Effect of Ammonium Polyphosphate and Nano-Structured Silica Aerogel on Flame Retardant Properties of an Epoxy”, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials (2017).
A. Hossain, S. Alaie, M. Tehrani, “Measurement of the Thermoelectric Power Factor of Films Over the 10-400 K range”, Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (4), 045111 (2016).
Y. Boroujeni, M. Tehrani, M. Manteghi, Z. Zhou, M. Al-Haik, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of a Hybrid Carbon Nanotube/Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite”, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 138(4), 041001 (2016).
M. Mahdavi, M. Baniassadi, M. Baghani, M. Dadmun, M. Tehrani, “3D Reconstruction of Carbon Nanotube Networks from Neutron Scattering Experiments”, Nanotechnology, 26 38570 (2015).
A. Boroujeni, M. Tehrani, A. Nelson, M. Al-Haik, “Effect of Carbon Nanotube Growth on the Mechanical Behavior and Damage of Hybrid Carbon Nanotube/Carbon Fiber Composites“, Polymer Composites, doi: 10.1002/pc.23458 (2015).
S. Ghosh, M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik,I. K. Puri, “Patterning Stiffness of Elastomers by Magnetophoretic Control of Catalyst Inhibitor Distribution”, Materials, 8, 474-485 (2015).
J. Nelson, L. Baby, A. Boroujeni, M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, K. Kemper, M. Hussaini, “Effect of Proton Irradiation on the Electrical Resistivity of Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composites”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 7 (2), 157-161 (2015).
T. Etampawala, M. Tehrani, M. Dadmun, "Morphology of PEDOT: PSS/SWCNT Composites: Insight into Carbon Nanotube Based Organic Thermoelectric Matrices", APS March Meeting Abstracts, 2015, A41. 006 (2015).
Y. Boroujeni, M. Tehrani, A. Nelson, and M. Al-Haik, “Hybrid Carbon Nanotube-Carbon Fiber Composites with Improved In-plane Mechanical Properties”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 66: 475-483 (2014).
M. Tehrani, A. Boroujeni, C. Luhrs, J. Phillips, M. Al-Haik, “Hybrid Composites based on Carbon Fibers/Carbon Nanofilament Reinforcement”, Materials, 7: 4182-4195 (2014).
Y. Dehnavi, S. Khaleghian, A. Emami, M. Tehrani, N. Soltani, “Utilizing Digital Image Correlation to Determine Stress Intensity Factors”, Polymer Testing, 37: 28-35 (2014).
M. Tehrani, M. Safdari, A. Y. Boroujeni, Z. Razavi, S.W. Case, K. Dahmen, H. Garmestani, M. Al-Haik, “Hybrid Carbon Fiber/Carbon Nanotube Composites for Structural Damping Applications“, Nanotechnology, 24: 155704 (2013).
M. Tehrani, A. Boroujeni, T. Hartman, T. Haugh, S. Case, M. Al-Haik, “Mechanical Characterization and Impact Damage Assessment of a Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composite“, Composites Science and Technology, 75: 42-48 (2013).
S. Khaleghian, A. Emami, M. Tehrani, N. Soltani, “Analysis of Effective Parameters for Stress Intensity Factors in the Contact Problem between an Asymmetric Wedge and a Half-plane using an Experimental Method of Photoelasticity”, Materials and Design, 43: 447-453 (2013).
B. Rael, C. Dyck, T. Khraishi, M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, “Characterization of Zinc Powder Compactions: Factors Affecting Mechanical Properties and Analytical PM Models”, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 134 (4): 044502 (2012).
M. Tehrani, M. S. Al-Haik, D. Li, H. Garmestani, “Effect of Moderate Magnetic Annealing on the Microstructure, Quasi-static and Viscoelastic Mechanical Behavior of a Structural Epoxy”, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 134: 010907 (2012).
M. Tehrani, C. Luhrs, M. Al-Haik, J. Trevino, H. Zea, “Synthesis of WS2 Nanostructures from the Reaction of WO3with CS2 and Mechanical Properties of WS2 Nanotube Composites”, Nanotechnology, 22: 285714 (2011).
M. Tehrani, M. Safdari, and M. Al-Haik, “Nanocharacterization of Creep Behavior of Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes/Epoxy Nanocomposites”, International Journal of Plasticity, 27(6): 887-901 (2011).
M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, C. Dyck, T. Khraishi, “A practical Route for the Characterization of Zinc Powder Compacts with the aid of Instrumented Indentation and Scratch Tests”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528: 494-499 (2010).
J. Milhans, M. Khaleel, X. Sun, M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, H. Garmestani, “Creep Properties of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Glass-Ceramic Seal G18”, Journal of Power Sources, 195: 3631-3635 (2010).
D. Li, Z. Liu, M. Al-Haik, M. Tehrani, F. Murray, R. Tannenbaum, H. Garmestani, “Magnetic Alignment of Cellulose Nanowhiskers in an All-cellulose Composite”, Polymer Bulletin, 65: 635-642 (2010).
C. Luhrs, D. Garcia, M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, M. Taha, J. Phillips, “Generation of Carbon Nanofilaments on Carbon Fibers at 550 °C”, Carbon, 47: 3071-3078 (2009).
M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, “Magnetically Enhanced Mechanical and Creep Properties of a Structural Epoxy”, International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity, 3: 147-160 (2009).
M. Al-Haik, C. Hanson, C. Luhrs, M. Tehrani, J. Phillips, S. Miltenberger, “Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-alumina Dental Filler”, International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials, 1: 411-428 (2008).
H. Yazdani Nezhad, M. Pavlyuk, P. Afshari, C. Lira, M. Bodaghi, B. Zhang, M. Tehrani, "A Magnetic Field Accelerated Composites Volumetric Additive Manufacturing", 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 2024.
R. Sheley, J. Tate, M. Tehrani, "Fatigue and Fatigue Damage Mechanism of High-Temperature Thermoplastic Composites: A Review", The Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX, 2024.
N. Heathman, J. Kirchhoff, T. Yap, M. Tehrani, "Understanding Interlaminar Bonding and Fracture Toughness in In-situ Consolidated Automated Fiber Placement of Carbon Fiber LMPAEK Composites", Proceedings of SAMPE Conference and Exhibition, 2023.
T. Yap, A. Yeilaghi Tamijani, M. Tehrani, "Aerospace Quality In-situ Consolidated Thermoplastic Composite Structures via Automated Fiber Placement: Effects of Staggering on Part Performance" Proceedings of AIAA SCITECH Forum, 2023.
R. Paddock, P. Khanbolouki, C. Wang, M. Tehrani, “Structure-Property Relationships in Hot Isostatic Pressed Copper by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)”, Proceedings of the PowderMet, 2022.
J. Martinez, T. Yap, M. Tehrani, "Effects of Extrusion Rate and Post-Annealing on Mechanical Properties and Printing Quality of Additively Manufactured Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polyetherketoneketone (PEEK) Parts", Proceedings of the 37th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, ASC, 2022.
W. Stark, N. Hannon, T. Yap, N. Heathman, M. Tehran, "Heated Additively Manufactured Molds for Thermoplastic Composite Automated Fiber Placement", Proceedings of the 37th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, ASC, 2022.
T. Yap, A. Tamijani, M. Tehrani, "Optimum Conversion of Design Optimized Fiber Paths to 3D Printable G-Codes", Proceedings of the 37th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, ASC, 2022.
G. Jayatilaka, W. Ntsoane, M. Mohammadi, M. Tehrani, "Correlating Structure to Damping and Stiffness in Graphene Oxide Films," Proceedings of the 37th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, ASC, 2022.
N. Heathman, M. Tehrani, “Additive Manufacturing with Carbon Fiber Reinforced LM-PAEK,” SAMPE Technical Proceedings, 2022.
S. Clark, T. Yap, M. Tehrani, “Validation of a Finite Element Model for Fused Filament Fabrication Additive Manufacturing”, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2021, IMECE2021-73803, 2021.
G. Jayatilaka, M. M. Mohammadi, M. Tehrani, “Investigating Stress Transfer and Failure Mechanisms in Graphene Oxide-Cellulose Nanocrystals Films”, Proceedings of the 36th Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2021.
P. Koirala, O. Uitz, A. Oridate, C. Seepersad, M. Tehrani, “Reactive Extrusion Additive Manufacturing of a Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoset Composite”, Proceedings of the 36th Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2021.
P. Koirala, O. Uitz, M. Tehrani, “Printability of Highly Viscous Composite Slurries via Reactive Extrusion Additive Manufacturing”, Proceedings of the 35th Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2020.
N. Heathman, T. Yap,M. Tehrani, “Hot Isostatic Pressing to Enhance Inter-Laminar Tensile Strength of Additively Manufactured Carbon Fiber-PEKK Parts”, Proceedings of the 35th Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2020.
P. Khanbolouki, M. Tehrani, “Numerical Simulation of Ampacity in Advanced Electrical Conductors”, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2020-23698, 2020.
N. van de Werken, P. Koirala, J. Ghorbani, M. Abel, M. Tehrani, “Improving Properties of Additively Manufactured Carbon Fiber Composites via Post Pressing”, Proceedings of the 34th Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2019.
H. Afkhamiardakani, J. Hendrie, L. Horstman, M. Tehrani, J.C. Diels, L. Arissian, “Ultrasensitive Phase Sensing Inside a Mode-Locked Fiber Laser”, paper SeW3E.7, in Advanced Photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, 2018.
H. Afkhamiardakani, M. Tehrani, J. Diels, "Extension of the stable operation of an all polarization maintaining mode-locked fiber laser," paper JTh2A.141, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, 2018.
P. Koirala, N. van de Werken, M. J. De Andrade, R. Ovalle-Robles, R. H. Baughman, H. Lu, M. Tehrani, “Investigating Flexural Failure in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Interleaved with Carbon Nanotube Sheets”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2018.
M. Schneider, P. Khanbolouki, N. van de Werken, M. Tehrani, “Dispersion and Properties of Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide in Nanocomposites”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2018.
P. Khanbolouki, M. Tehrani, “Viscoelastic Behavior of Carbon Nanotube Yarns and Twisted Coils”, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2018-88095, 2018.
C. Hintz, P. Khanbolouki, M. Tehrani, S. V. Poroseva, “Experimental Study of the Effects of Biomimetic Blades and 3D Printing on the Performance of a Small Propeller”, Proceedings of AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA2018-3645, 2018.
M. Mahdavi, M. Baniassadi, A. Sheidaei, M. Tehrani, “Calculating the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer”, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2017.
N. van de Werken, R. Allred, M. Tehrani, “Effect of Alignment and Sizing on Mechanical Properties of Discontinuous Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites”, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2017.
A. Nematollahi, P. Khanbolouki, N. van de Werken, M. Tehrani “3D Printed Composites with Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforcements”, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2017-72041, 2017.
P. Vorobieff, C. Davidson, M.R. Taha, C. Christodoulou, A.K. Prinja, S.V. Poroseva, M. Tehrani, D.T. Hanson, T. Kallas, E. Singsaas, C.D. Hall, “ArmorHab: Design Reference Architecture (DRA) for Human Habitation in Deep Space”, The Mars Society, 2016.
M. Tehrani, A. Boroujeni, M. Al-Haik, “Modeling and Simulation of Impact and Perforation in Fiber Reinforced Composites“, Proceedings of the 29th Annual American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2014.
M. Tehrani, A. Y. Boroujeni, M. Manteghi, Z. Zhou, M. Al-Haik, “Investigating the Integration of Carbon Nanotubes to a Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite and Its Effects on Electromagnetic Shielding and Mechanical Properties”, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2013-65202, 2013.
M. Tehrani, A. Y. Boroujeni, R. Hajj, M. Al-Haik, “Mechanical Characterization of a Hybrid Carbon Nanotube/ Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite”, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2013-62251, 2013.
M. Tehrani, A. Y. Boroujeni, T. P. Haugh, T. B. Hartman, S. W. Case, M. Al-Haik, “Impact and Quasi-Static Mechanical Properties of a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy”, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2012-86396, 2012.
M. Tehrani, M.S. Al-Haik, “Nanocharacterization of Creep Response of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites”, preprint, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 2012.
F. Hassani, M. Tehrani, “Effects of Cold Deformation and Annealing on Mechanical Properties, Microstructure and Precipitation State of a Ti-Nb AHSS”, Proceedings of Materials Science & Technology (MS&T), 2011.
M. Tehrani, M. Safdari, S. Case, M. Al-Haik, “Using Multiscale Carbon Fiber / Carbon Nanotubes Composites For Damping Applications”, Proceedings of ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, 2011.
M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, “Effect of Low Field Magnetic Annealing on the Viscoelastic Behavior of Structural Epoxy”, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2009-10635, 2009.
M. Tehrani, M.S. Al-Haik, H. Garmestani, D.S. Li, “Effect of Magnetic Annealing on the Creep Behavior of Epoxies”, Paper 215, Proceedings of Annual Conference of Society of Experimental Mechanics, 2009.
M. Al-Haik, C. Hanson, C. Luhrs, M. Tehrani, J. Phillips, S. Miltenberger, “Mechanical Performance of Dental Fillers Based on Alumina Nanoparticles”, Paper 500, Proceedings of Annual Conference of Society of Experimental Mechanics, 2009.
A. Reinhardt, M. Sheyka, M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, M. R. Taha, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Nano-Indentation of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC)”, Paper 426, Proceedings of Annual Conference of Society of Experimental Mechanics, 2009.
R. Taha, M. Al-Haik, M., I. Adam, M. Tehrani, A. Reinhardt, “Nano versus Macro Creep Compliance of Concrete”, Proceedings of Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, CONCREEP 8, CRC Press, Vol. 1, pp. 229-235, 2008.
K. Reinhardt, M. Tehrani, M. Al-Haik, M. R. Taha, “Nano Scale Characterization of Self-Consolidating Concrete”, Proceedings International Conference on Concrete, 2008.
Book Chapters
M. Al-Haik, A. Y. Boroujeni, M. Tehrani, “Ballistic Damage of Hybrid Composite Materials”, Advanced Fibrous Composite Materials for Ballistic Protection, Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering: Number 66, ISBN: 978-1-78242-461-1, 2016.
M. Tehrani, P. Khanbolouki, “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications”, Advances in Nanomaterials: Fundamentals, Properties and Applications, © Springer International Publishing, ISBN:978-3-319-64715-9, 2018.